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About us

Über uns




Back in 2007, we started to develop the Gravitational Field Technology (GFT) for power generation. After that, we built the first prototypes, started to apply for and secure patents and other intellectual property rights to protect our unique process, which our engineers developed through creativity and expertise, and a long testing period (10 years) to exorcise the teething troubles from our Gravitational Power Plant (GPP).

Now, after more than two years of project design phase, we are in negotiation with business partners to build a stable power grid locally by building our Gravitational Power Plants (GPP).

Because of Corona, everything was closed in Switzerland until May 11, 2020. Also our business activities had to stop, because among other things business trips were not possible. This condition continues until today (05.September 2021), because worldwide quarantine is still insisted on when traveling and therefore we have to do without short business trips and business meetings.

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